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My name is Pompadó

As a queer artist educator and content curator, I aim to create a cultural learning space where both of us are the teacher and student both simuntaneosly; for I know that only when the student is ready will the teacher appear, and I'm ready to indulge the knowledge you put on the table.

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This is #PrinceOfWillemstad

Pompadó Z.R. Martha (They/Them) is an Artist Educator and Content Curator who graduated from ArtEZ University of the Arts. They aim to decolonize awareness through interactive art exploring "queering" societal norms.


This “queering of the societal norm is a non-dualism approach from the Ubuntu philosophical perspective. For Pompadó Z.R. Martha, art must be confrontational but interactive, inviting their audience/partners/colleagues to participate actively in creating a cultural learning space to produce a form of dialogue.


Pompadó’s practice embodies developing an activistic “Queer” method, where its participants can cultivate a critical narrative, which deviates from a euro centralistic, non-patriarchal and hetero normative, to find equity through (a) actively investigate and be aware of their privileges, and to acknowledge the discrepancy this withholds within the society. And, (b), embody the “Not-being-there-yet” philosophy whilst actively building a more just narrative within their surrounding.​



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

+31 (0)6 84 94 17 99

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